Wild by the water
Lakes, rivers, canals and streams are brimming with wildlife to discover!
Lakes, rivers, canals and streams are brimming with wildlife to discover!
A peek at the passionate world of animal courtship
Trainee Reserves Officer Helena shares her fourth and final update on TRO Diaries and reflects on her time with Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust.
Artist Lucy Stevens shares how visiting nature reserves and identifying bird songs, inspires her to create art showing the benefits of nature and wildlife.
Learn and discover a brief history of Dimminsdale Nature Reserve and the people who once lived there.
Find out what Trainee Reserve Officers Emily and Anna have been up to on their first months at Rutland Water Nature Reserve.
Conservation Officer John Bristow shares an enchanting guide on how to enjoy wildlife and wild places this winter.
Reserves Officer Fran Payne teaches us how to increase floral diversity in a meadow at Rutland Water Nature Reserve through green hay strewing.
New Trainee Reserves Officer Helena talks us through her first few weeks in the job and how she got into conservation.
Conservation Officer Andy Lear talks about how we manage our woodlands and why it's important for wildlife