Blog: nature


An elephant hawk-moth caterpillar. It's fat, greyish brown and looks like an elephant's trunk. It has four large eyespots behind its head

The elephant in the room

Late summer is the best time to discover one of the UK’s chunkiest caterpillars, the elephant hawk-moth.

A stoat standing on a rock, one paw raised as it contemplates running

Marvellous mustelids

Mammal expert Stuart Edmunds introduces this incredible collection of carnivores.


Get the drop on COP

COP26 is now upon us, having been delayed from 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. You may have heard it referenced in the news or even in passing on the street, but the name gives little away. So…

Woman sitting in a park

Mental Health Awareness Week - Tips & Time in Nature

Around one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem in a year. Mental Health Awareness Week aims to help people feel more confident to talk about their mental health and…


Go wild for weeds!

Weeds are overlooked and misunderstood, they brighten up our road verges, fields, parks and gardens, and benefit a whole range of wildlife. We list some of our most well known weeds and why you…


Spring migrating birds

Many of our most well-known bird species are migrant birds; species such as nightingales, swallows, turtle doves and ospreys. Reserves Officer Andy Neilson gives us a run down of some of the most…