Grazing at Rutland Water Nature Reserve
The Autumn tidy up. A never-ending task for the cattle and sheep of Rutland Water Nature Reserve!
The Autumn tidy up. A never-ending task for the cattle and sheep of Rutland Water Nature Reserve!
Trainee Reserves Officer Helena shares her fourth and final update on TRO Diaries and reflects on her time with Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust.
Conservation Team Leader Joe Davis share the importance and benefits of floating islands rafts at Rutland Water Nature Reserve
Tens of thousands of wildfowl gather at Rutland Water Nature Reserve through the winter months. One of these species visits in particularly high numbers and is one of the reasons that Rutland…
Learn and discover a brief history of Dimminsdale Nature Reserve and the people who once lived there.
Trainee Reserves Officer Helena gives us an update on what she has been up to over the last few months.
Volunteer recorder Dave Robinson shares his insights on butterfly recording in Leicestershire and Rutland, some of the species he has spotted and why it is important.
Conservation Officer Andy Lear talks about how we manage our woodlands and why it's important for wildlife
Ben Devine, Conservation Officer for LRWT and Alex McDonald, Senior Environmental Project Manager for the Environment Agency, look at how working with nature is bring benefits for people