Bring the whole family closer to nature from only £4.25 a month!
Family members will receive the following:
- Wild Leicestershire and Rutland magazine three times a year - 36 pages covering local wildlife stories, national news, hints and tips, wildlife gardening, how to support wildlife and events
- Wildlife Watch magazine four times a year - the ultimate children's wildlife magazine
- Our Nature Reserves Guide packed with information and ideas of wild places to explore in Leicestershire and Rutland
- Exclusive access to family member events
- A significant discount when you purchase an annual permit to Rutland Water Nature Reserve, an internationally important wetland site
- Monthly email newsletters packed with wild activities, upcoming events and how you can support our work.
- A new interest - many members choose to become volunteers, getting involved in a wide range of projects
- And best of all, the knowledge that you are helping to safeguard the best wild places and help wildlife recover in our two counties
Wildlife Watch Membership
When you join as a family, junior members become a member of Wildlife Watch.
When you join Wildlife Watch as a member you'll get:
- a starter pack containing loads of exciting wildlife goodies including posters and stickers
- 60 page 'Ready for Action' booklet which is packed with activities, info on UK wildlife and ideas for things to do
- Wildlife Watch membership card
Four times a year you'll also receive:
- Wildlife Watch magazine full of amazing pictures, puzzles and competitions and you get a fantastic free wildlife poster with each issue
- Special Wildlife Watch members only invitation to our brilliant seasonal Wildlife Watch Family Events

Young girl bird watching out on heath Suffolk Sandlings summer - David Tipling/2020VISION
Wildlife Watch website
Go to the Wildlife Watch website to discover amazing facts about wildlife; and get lots of wild ideas for things to do!
Downloadable activity sheets, create your own spotter sheet, wildlife quizzes and blogs from other Wildlife Watchers.