Blog: Birds


Common Sandpiper

Wading into autumn

For many birdwatchers things are just hotting up! We might be reaching the end of summer, but this is when a group of birds known as waders start to appear on our shores. Here are ten waders to…

Red kite in flight

Birds of prey

Few birds inspire awe as often as birds of prey, those athletic aerial predators that rule the roost when it comes to the food chain.


The Benefits of Birdlife

Artist Lucy Stevens shares how visiting nature reserves and identifying bird songs, inspires her to create art showing the benefits of nature and wildlife.


Spring migrating birds

Many of our most well-known bird species are migrant birds; species such as nightingales, swallows, turtle doves and ospreys. Reserves Officer Andy Neilson gives us a run down of some of the most…