In my last blog I reported that Maya had laid two eggs, and we were waiting to see if she would lay a third or even a fourth. After waiting three days after the second egg was laid Maya laid what turned out to be the final egg on 6th April at 20:30. Since then, Maya and 33(11) have been preoccupied with incubating the three eggs, which are due to hatch anytime from 5th May, and will hatch in the order they were laid.
A Spring Update
Osprey (Pandion haliaeetus) female on nest, Cairngorms Nat Park, Scotland. - Peter Cairns/2020VISION
Like most breeding males, 33(11) will share in incubating duties and has been doing some mammoth sessions, being recorded to have done 6hrs worth in one go! This hasn’t stopped him from completing his other duties, like fishing, but he is certainly doing rather a lot.
We now have 19 adults back in the Rutland area and we will be starting to keep our eyes peeled for first time returnees, which may include some chicks from the 2020 season. We know from reports that one of the female chicks from that year, 078, was sighted in Senegal in October last year, so fingers crossed she makes her debut appearance this year!
Satellite tracked male 4K(13) has also made it back to his territory on 12th April, after spending 22 days on his migration back from Guinea, where he spends the winter months. From his satellite data we can see that at one point he reached a top speed of 37 mph, which is amazing! 4K(13) is yet to pair up with a female, but we are keeping our fingers crossed as it isn’t too late. His full 2022 spring migration is pictured below.

In terms of other wildlife that is around, other spring migrants are starting to become a more familiar sight, with Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Common Whitethroats making their voices heard, and the elusive Water Voles are becoming more active in the channels in front of Waderscrape Hide.