On Saturday 24th June, when the juveniles were roughly fully grown at around six weeks old, a small boat was taken out to the Manton Bay nest and our trained ringers fitted this years Manton Bay juveniles with their rings. From this, measurements of the birds were taken and, from these measurements, we determine each of the juveniles' sex. The ringing is the only time we will ever handle the birds and it is always done with the upmost care and delicacy by our experienced ringers.
Ringing the Manton Bay Chicks 2023
On Saturday 24th June, the Manton Bay chicks were ringed. Here we give an update on what we've learnt.

Each of the juveniles was fitted with both a silver BTO ring (left leg) and a blue Darvic ring (right leg). These help us to keep up to date with where the birds end up - especially with photographs of the birds being sent in.
We've made a special effort to evict the spiders blocking the webcams while we were up there so the cameras are clearer than ever... at least for now...