Just over three weeks ago (surely it was longer?) well over twenty young people were inducted as Rutland Osprey Ambassadors for the 2020 season, watched by proud parents and friends, and members of the Osprey Team, at a special event at our Volunteer Training Centre on the edge of Lagoon 4. Badges were awarded, membership cards and Osprey books distributed, cakes consumed, spirits raised, skills honed, anticipation sharpened. They travelled from near and far, representing local and distant schools – all fired with the same enthusiasm and zeal to do a good job and spread the Osprey message as widely as they could.
Last Sunday (April 5th) would have been the first Osprey Club meeting for them down in the Bay at Lyndon. They would have seen, through their binoculars and telescopes from the hide – many of them for the first time – Maya and 33(11), the nest, maybe a glimpse of an osprey egg or two. The hide would have been alive with chatter, excited cries of joy, interspersed with quieter moments as memory sticks were primed, notebooks updated, cakes demolished. Some would have stayed (willing parents permitting) well beyond the suggested 4.00pm departure time, still there as the evening volunteer shift took over to monitor the Osprey’s late repertoire of fishing, eating, incubating….and living free.