Wildlife Advice

Wildlife advice

Injured or sick wildlife

Please note: The Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust is unable to help with enquires relating to sick or injured wildlife or offer anything other than general advice. 

If you you come across a sick or injured animal, you can contact the RSPCA. They have an emergency injured animal line to report an animal in distress: 0300 1234 999. You can also find more information on their website here. 

Alternatively, you could try contacting your local vet or the Leicestershire Wildlife Hospital on 0116 279 3789 (Monday to Friday 9 - 5) or 07951 285366 (24 hour casualty helpline) or visit their website here

Wildlife Crime 

If you suspect a wildlife crime has occurred, go to the Leicestershire Police website here to find out more about wildlife crime and what you can do. 

You can also contact Crimestoppers, go to their website here to find out more or call them anonymously on 0800 555 111. 

Useful wildlife contacts

For badger protection and enquiries

Leicestershire and Rutland Badger Group 
Useful help and advice on supporting badgers in Leicestershire and Rutland, including what to do if you find a sick or injured badger. Go to their website: http://www.badgergroup.org.uk/

The Badger Trust
The Badger Trust exists to enhance the welfare, conservation and protection of badgers, badger setts, and badger habitats. Go to their website: https://www.badgertrust.org.uk/ 

For bat protection and enquiries

Leicestershire and Rutland Bat Group
Useful help and advice to those with sick or injured bats in Leicestershire and Rutland.
Call Jenny Harris on 01572 755274 (evenings and weekends)
Go to their website: http://www.lrbatgroup.org.uk/ 

Bat Conservancy Trust
Useful help and advice to those with sick or injured bats in the UK.
Call their Bat Helpline on 0845 1300 228 or go to their website: http://www.bats.org.uk/ 

For hedgehog protection and enquiries

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society 
Useful help and advice to those with sick, injured or orphaned hedgehogs. They also maintain a list of rehabilitators in the UK.
Go to their website: https://www.britishhedgehogs.org.uk/

Recording local wildlife sightings


NatureSpot is a local charity helping to record the wildlife of Leicestershire and Rutland. Submit any sighting of an animal, plant or fungus – with or without a photo – to put your dot on their species distribution maps. All records are passed on to local and national recording schemes.  All wildlife records are valuable, common or rare, and whether from your garden, local park or a nature reserve.
Go to their website here: https://www.naturespot.org.uk/

Leicestershire & Rutland Ornithological Society 
Recent sightings, bird sightings and bird group meetings.
Go to their website: http://www.lros.org.uk/ 

Leicestershire & Rutland Dragonfly Group 
Please e-mail Ian Merrill (County Recorder) with interesting records at i.merrill@btopenworld.com

Other local wildlife groups

Leicestershire & Rutland Ornithological Society 
Recent sightings, bird sightings and bird group meetings.
Go to their website: http://www.lros.org.uk/ 

Leicestershire Fungus Study Group 
Organises evening meetings and fungi forays.
Go to their website: http://leicsfungi.btck.co.uk/

Rutland Natural History Society 
Wildlife meetings, events and work.
Go to their website: http://www.rnhs.org.uk/

Leicestershire Moth Group 
A non-subscription group for anyone interested in moths in the area, including events and recording sightings.
Contact Adrian Russell on adrian@wainscot.demon.co.uk

Birstall Birdwatching Club 
Organises indoor meetings and local walks.
Contact Ken Goodrich kjgood532@aol.com

Botanical Society of the British Isles (VC55 Local Group) 
Arranges field meetings and indoor identification sessions in the Herbarium at Leicester University.
Go to their website: http://bsbi.org/leicestershire

Leicestershire Amphibian and Reptile Network (LARN) 
Recording and conservation of amphibians and reptiles.
Contact Andrew Heaton on aheaton@ntlworld.com

Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society (Natural History Section) 
Holds indoor and outdoor meetings, and publishes a newsletter.
Go to their website: www.le.ac.uk/litandphil/nh

Leicestershire Entomological Society 
Holds indoor meetings and publishes a newsletter.
Contact Ray Morris on ray@cactusbob.net

Loughborough Naturalists' Club 
Carries out surveys of Charnwood Forest and surrounding areas, evening meetings and field trips.
Go to their website: http://www.loughboroughnats.org

Market Bosworth Natural History Society 
Indoor and outdoor meetings, and manages a wildflower meadow on Bosworth Park.
Contact Nick & Prue Crowley on jncrowley@btinternet.com

Hinckley Natural History Society 
Meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month for talks and walks.
Contact David Goldsmith on 01455 613920  
Go to their website: https://www.hinckleynaturalhistorysociety.com/