A member of the buttercup family, Common water-crowfoot displays white, buttercup-like flowers with yellow centres. It can form mats in ponds, ditches and streams during spring and summer.
Common water-crowfoot is the commonest species in a large group of water-plants that can be seen covering ponds, ditches and streams with mats of white flowers in spring and summer. It can be an annual or short-lived perennial plant, and has floating, lobed leaves and solitary white flowers, about 2cm across.
How to identify
Water-crowfoots are a difficult group to tell apart. Common Water-crowfoot has white flowers, buttercup-like, five-petalled flowers that have a yellow centre. Its floating leaves are circular and lobed (with three to seven lobes); its submerged leaves comprise many segments.
Did you know?
Common water-crowfoot is a member of the buttercup family.