Volunteers Hub


Welcome to the LRWT Volunteers' Hub

Thank you for being a valued volunteer of Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust, you are making a real difference for wildlife every day! Thanks to your support, we can continue our vital work for wildlife and protect the incredible wild places we all love across our two counties.

Our dedicated volunteer hub has everything you need to make the most of your time with us. On the hub you will find the Volunteer Handbook, key health and safety information, Volunteer Newsletters, FAQs, as well as dedicated sections for our various volunteer groups.

Below is our Volunteer Handbook which you can either read online or download onto your device. Our Handbook includes lots of important information that will help you in your role as a volunteer with the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust. It contains policies, social information, and a map of our reserves. If you would like a printed copy then please get in touch and we can arrange this for you.

Volunteer Health & Safety

Manual Handling Webinar

Video from the manual handling webinar with Keith Tomkins from the 17th January 2024

Reports of Suspicious emails from Volunteers

We have been made aware that a number of volunteers have been receiving suspicious emails supposedly from other volunteers. The emails they have been receiving claim to be from fellow volunteers but the addresses they are from are not legitimate.

We have been in contact with our technical support team to see if anything can be done form our side, but unfortunately there's not a great deal that can be changed from an admin point of view, as the spoofed emails aren't being sent out from LRWT's emailing service.

If you do receive any suspicious emails of this nature then please just report them to your email provider and block the addresses they are coming from. Please do not reply or try to engage with the sender.

Tick Awareness

Warmer weather means the start of tick season — and an increased threat of Lyme disease. If you watched us on Countryfile you would have seen a long section all on ticks.

What are ticks?
Ticks are small arachnids which feed off the blood of birds and mammals, including pets and people. Ticks are widespread across the UK and can be found in both urban settings and the countryside where there is long grass, rough vegetation and woodland.

What is Lyme disease?
Lyme disease is an infection caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. A tick picks up the bacteria from an animal such as a mouse or bird and then passes it on to the next animal it feeds on, which could be you.

It is important to understand the risks of ticks and Lyme disease, especially if you are working outdoors.

Please find below a really useful and simple leaflet about ticks and Lyme disease.

Tick Awareness Leaflet

Safeguarding video for volunteers

Please find below a link to a video, created by the Wildlife Trust, all about safeguarding for volunteers.

Watch safeguarding video for volunteers


Visitor Centre Volunteers

Visitor Centre Volunteers

Visitor Centre Volunteers
Working Party Volunteers

Habitat Management Volunteers

Habitat Management Volunteers
Osprey Volunteers - Spotlight

David Tipling/2020VISION

Osprey Volunteers

Osprey Volunteers
Species and Recording Volunteers

Species and Recording Volunteers

Species and Recording Volunteers
Gardening Volunteers

Gardening Volunteers

Gardening Volunteers

Read the latest edition of our Volunteer Newsletter

We like to keep our volunteers informed of what is going on and produce a newsletter that goes out every other month highlighting what has been happening around the Wildlife Trust. You can view the latest edition of our newsletter below, as well as the last few copies that have gone out.

We also have a section with Frequently Asked Questions that will hopefully cover the general queries you might have. Please do get in contact if you ever have anything that needs answering and we will be happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make changes to my volunteer contact details?

You can update your details, and anything else you need to tell us about your volunteering role by getting in touch:

  • Email volunteering@lrwt.org.uk
  • Call 01572 720049 to speak to our Team
  • Write to us at Volunteer Training Centre, Oakham Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8TL

I have not received my Volunteer Handbook

You can find a copy of the Volunteer Handbook at the top of this page. You can either read it online or download it onto your device.

  • If you would like a printed copy then please get in touch and we can arrange this for you.

I am no longer able to volunteer

We fully understand that might no longer be able to volunteer with us. This could be for a variety of different reasons such as you have moved away or no longer have the time to volunteer. Please get in contact and let us know if you are stopping volunteering with the Wildlife Trust.

I was down to volunteer, but I am now unable to attend

If you were down to volunteer but now can't make it, please contact the member of staff you were going to be volunteering with and let them know as soon as possible. If you are not able to reach them then contact the volunteer coordinator using the details below.

Fox cubs

Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

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