Education Booking Enquiry Form

School children at a Wildlife Trust reserve

Helena Dolby, Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust

Education Programmes Booking Enquiry Form

Education Booking Enquiry Form

Please see our Educators pages with all the information you should need, including links to Information Packs and FAQs about our Education Programmes, before completing this form.

By completing this form you are making a booking enquiry.

A visit date/s will be provisionally booked by an LRWT Education Officer.
Booking is confirmed once LRWT receive a signed copy of the School Bookings Terms and Conditions Form and full payment see Booking Conditions below.

Education and Outreach Visits available Tuesdays and Wednesdays  in Term Time
Education and Outreach Visits available Tuesdays and Wednesdays  in term time.
Length of Visit
2 activities/workshops: 2 hours
Only available when book morning half day.
List all days of week you have available for Forest School sessions.
Education Visit Activities - 2 activities morning half day. Self-led afternoon at Lyndon Visitor Centre optional
This counts as 2 activities
Lunch and self led afternoon at Lyndon Visitor Centre
Outreach Visit Workshops - 2 workshops morning half day.
Must have natural features to explore
Must have a school pond
Must have natural features to explore
Must have natural features to explore
Must have trees in school grounds/local green space
Must have access to outdoor space
Item made will depend on age of children
Must have access to outdoor space
Must have access to outdoor space
School Ground Features or Local Green Space
Have permission or need to arrange suitable site.
Please name and add location of green space you have permission to use. 
Please state what you want to achieve from the visit/programme.
(Max is 35 for a Education Visit or Outreach Workshop)
(Ensure appropriate Adult : Child Ratios)
Please include any information about allergies, dietary, learning or access requirements.
Please tell us where you heard about our Education Programme.
We'd love to stay in touch about our Education Programmes in the future
How would you like to be contacted?
You can change your preferences at any time by emailing

Terms and Conditions


  1. Advanced bookings are required at least 28 days before the visit - Complete LRWT Education Booking Enquiry Form. A provisional booking date will be made for your preferred/alternative date/s (depending on availability) and held for maximum of two weeks - date will be released after this time.
  2. Provide LRWT with relevant information on participating pupils and accompanying adults’ physical or educational needs and relevant medical conditions such as allergies on LRWT Education Booking Enquiry Form at least 28 days before visit.
  3. Communicate any learning requirements, requests for specific topics/activities, timings including any breaks at least 28 days before the visit.
  4. To confirm booking, return a signed copy of the Education Programme Booking Terms and Conditions (provided in provisional booking email from LRWT) and full payment at least 28 days before the visit.
  5. Ensure not to exceed the number of children booked without prior agreement with LRWT.
  6. LRWT will liaise with School/ Group Leader via phone and email regarding the visit, activities, learning outcomes, additional needs and confirm the booking and timetable for the visit.

All prices are correct at the time of provisional booking and are subject to change without notice. All prices agreed on a confirmed booking with full payment will be honoured.


  1. Inform LRWT Education Team as soon as possible if booking needs to be cancelled – an alternative date will be offered where possible, however no refund will be made.
  2. LRWT reserve the right to alter activities due to weather or site conditions or to cancel activities if participating pupils and/or adults not suitably equipped or if behaviour becomes unsafe.
  3. In the unlikely event we need to cancel the visit due to weather or site conditions making the delivery of activities unsafe (or another situation out of LRWT control), we will give as much notice as possible. An alternative date will be offered, where possible, and if not suitable, a full refund of payment to LRWT will be offered (not including transport or other costs or expenses incurred by the school, parents or group).


Facilities and equipment

  1. LRWT will provide suitable facilities and equipment which is clean and safe, please ensure your group leaves the facilities in a clean state for other users.
  2. Take care of nature - Take nothing but photos and leave no trace but your footprints.
  3. Ensure all rubbish is taken off site.
  4. Return all borrowed equipment in good condition.
  5. During the visit please report any breakages or damage, or concerns about facilities to the relevant member of staff immediately.
  6. The LRWT cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to the school's property or that of their pupils' or supervising adult's.

Visit including Health & Safety

Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust will:

  1. Provide information to School/ Group Leader on facilities, health and safety guidelines and procedures, what pupils and adults need to wear/bring, directions etc. through Information Pack and FAQs (website) and on the day of visit in the Introduction.
  2. Organise and deliver Education/Outreach Visit/Forest School/Wild Tots activities as agreed with School/Group Leader.
    This includes designing session plans, carrying out and writing risk assessments, adapting activities to needs of children, instructing the children, preparing the Education Areas (at Rutland Water Nature Reserve), and providing all necessary equipment for the activities.

  3. Support School Staff in the behaviour management and organisation of pupils during Educational/Outreach Visit activities.

  4. Take control in an emergency situation when at an LRWT site by following LRWT emergency site plan and direct School staff and pupils.

The School/Group will:

  1. Provide sufficient adult : child ratios for the safety of pupils and follow LRWT minimum ratios
    These ratios do not include 1-to-1 support staff or LRWT Staff or Volunteers. 
    For Education Visit to Rutland Water Nature Reserve -
    Maximum of 30 pupils per visit.
    Minimum ratio of 1 group leader from the school plus 1 adult per 10 pupils. 
    For Outreach Visit to the school -
    Provide the minimum ratio of 1 teacher per class of 30 pupils.
    For Forest School -
    Minimum ratio of 2 adults per 15 children.
    For Wild Tots - 
    Minimum ratio of 1 adult per 3 children.
  2. Ensure pupils are not left unsupervised with LRWT Staff or Volunteers at any time.
  3. Ensure all School Staff and supervising adults will be actively involved in the activities to support the participating pupils’ engagement, learning and safety.
  4. Supervise all necessary hand washing and toilet use throughout the visit.
  5. Ensure no School Staff, supervising adult or pupils attend if they are unwell – If a pupil becomes unwell during the activities, School Staff will supervise pupil and arrange collection.
  6. Be responsible for the supervision, behaviour management, health and welfare, and management of participating pupils during Educational Visits or Outreach Visits and during lunch/break times; including following Health and Safety signs and instructions provided by LRWT staff or volunteers.

  7. Ensure all pupils and supervising adults are wearing appropriate clothing to the sessions – as outlined in the Information Pack provided.

  8. Keep the building and its occupant’s safe and secure by adhering to the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust’s health and safety guidelines, procedures and instruction.

LRWT buildings and Anglian Water Birdwatching Centre are alcohol free zones. Please do not keep or drink alcohol on the premises.

LRWT buildings and Anglian Water Birdwatching Centre and nature reserve are smoke free zones. Please do not smoke inside the buildings or within the site’s boundaries. E-cigarettes may be used outside the buildings, however, please be considerate of other people.


An invoice will be sent to the email address provided in the Education Booking Enquiry Form once a provisional date has been agreed.   

Invoices are to be made payable to the following address and email any queries to with the heading
FAO: Finance

Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
The Old Mill, 9 Soar Lane, Leicester LE3 5DE


We hope you and your pupils/group will have an inspiring time and gain lots of new knowledge and ideas for your next step in being part of our Team Wilder to take action for local wildlife.

To review and improve our Education activities, Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust will send all schools/groups an evaluation form for the school/group leader to complete following their visit.

We ask for your permission to use quotes from your Evaluation Form on our social media or in publications online/in print - you can withdraw consent at any time.  

We aim to respond to your enquiry within 3 working days and to notify you of the availability of your chosen Visit date and site ASAP.
If we have availability we will email you with a provisional booking for your group. Confirmation of booking will be sent once you return signed booking terms and conditions and we receive full payment.
You may wish to print a copy of this form before submission.