Living Seas

Living Seas

What are Living Seas?

What picture does the phrase "Living Seas" conjure up in your mind? A rocky reef bursting with brightly coloured fish, corals and sponges? A boat trip in the company of leaping dolphins and playful seals? Fishermen hauling nets brimming with fish? Living Seas are all these things and more. We urgently need your help to bring back the UK’s Living Seas.

Twelve Wildlife Trusts (Northumberland, Durham, Tees Valley, Yorkshire, Sheffield, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Rutland, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Peterborough, Norfolk, Suffolk), located from the Midlands to the East coast of England, aim to make the concept of 'Living Seas' a reality though a project which will promote protection of the North Sea's weird and wonderful marine wildlife, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales. The project focuses mainly on the English North Sea, from Northumberland down to Suffolk and 200 nautical miles out to sea.

The UK's sea life needs YOU

  • The UK's seas are home to half our wildlife: whale, dolphins, turtles, birds, fish and thousands of other weird and wonderful animals and plants.
  • They should be safe, but in fact they are threatened by damaging over-exploitation. Many habitats have already been destroyed, and species are pushed towards extinction.
  • Please join our campaign to persuade the UK Government to set up a network of Marine Protected Areas where wildlife can flourish again.

The infographic below shows how the North Sea has changed - and is changing...

North Sea Infographic
(c) Gillian Day

Gillian Day

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