News from Abroad
We have received some exciting news about one of our 2015 Manton Bay fledglings, S2(15)!
We have received some exciting news about one of our 2015 Manton Bay fledglings, S2(15)!
Trainee Reserves Officer Helena shares with us her in-depth knowledge of all the local bats that have been recorded at Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust reserves
An Update on Osprey 4K's migration
Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust is horrified at the possibility of the county being included in this year’s badger cull. The Trust is asking people to support their public campaign to…
The UK Government is due to make an announcement of new areas for badger culling this September. We are concerned about the possibility of Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire where we work closely…
The free online course aims to equip Leicestershire Parish councillors and staff with vital knowledge needed to address the biodiversity crisis in their local area.
A Willow Emerald Damselfly has been recorded for the first time in Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55), an adult was discovered in willows beside the Eye Brook inlet to Eyebrook Resevoir on the 8th…
The Badger Group are hosting Norfolk Rivers Trust to talk about the challenges of restoring Norfolk’s chalk rivers.
After careful consideration of a number of key factors, LRWT has taken the difficult decision to stop running the event.